Online Exams: Proctored vs Semi-Proctored vs Non-Proctored

Roshan Ragel
2 min readAug 17, 2021


By Isuru Nawinne, Udaree Kanewala and Roshan Ragel

There are three main modes of online examination procedures that can be conducted using available open-source tools. They are, namely, Proctored, Semi-Proctored, and Non-Proctored modes. The proctored online exam can be performed using the combination of Zoom, Moodle and SEB, as explained in the earlier article on “Systematically Conducting Online Proctored Exams with Tools around You”. The Semi-Proctored online exam can be conducted using two options. Option 1: tab proctoring with Moodle and SEB; and Option 2: video proctoring using Zoom and Moodle. The Non-Proctored online exam can be efficiently conducted using Moodle alone. However, when it comes to selecting the mode of online examination for an individual assessment, the range of restrictions that can be imposed using each method should be considered.

Conducting Online Exams with Tools Around You: Proctored vs Semi-Proctored vs Non-Proctored

Restrictions on collaboration with others in close proximity and over the Internet using electronic devices, physical access to unauthorised printed or hand-written material, and access to other electronic devices for browsing and communication can be imposed using Proctored and Semi-Proctored Option 2 modes. Here collusions over the internet can be via email, chat or call, and the electronic devices can be phones, tabs, etc. Further, browsing includes using search engines like Google. However, these mentioned restrictions cannot be imposed using the Semi-Proctored: Option 1 and Non-Proctored modes.

Restricting collusions with others over the internet and restricting access to unauthorised material through the device used for the exam (access to web and search engines like Google) can be imposed entirely using the Proctored and Semi-proctored Option 1 modes. Here, the device taking the examination can be a laptop or desktop computer. However, these restrictions cannot be implemented when using Semi-Proctored Option 2 and Non-Proctored modes. Proctored and Semi-proctored Option 1 modes allow restricting candidates for tampering with SEB settings and overriding the last two restrictions mentioned above. On the other hand, as SEB is not used in Semi-Proctored Option 2 and Non-Proctored modes, restricting candidates for tampering configurations is not applicable here. Therefore the solution facilitating the coverage of all the restrictions mentioned above are the proctored mode of online examinations using Zoom, SEB and Moodle.



Roshan Ragel

Professor | Computer Engineering | University of Peradeniya